
"UAE MOH PHARMACIST ASSISTANT EXAM contains multiple choice questions and answers with detailed explanation. These questions are most important and repeatedly asking in UAE MOH PHARMACIST ASSISTANT EXAM. A systematic practice of the multiple choices will help the candidate to clear their exam with high percentage. More than that all questions are arranged in both exam mode and study mode, which help the candidate to increase their confidence to attend their real exam. Product Detail This Online question and answers MCQ contains total number of questions which is arranged into kit. Each kit contains minimum 40 to maximum 150 questions. Exam mode If you are choosing exam mode, you can see the questions one by one and tick your answer for each question. At the end of the exam, you will get a result page with following details. – Your Percentage – Number of correct answers – Correct answers with rationale Study Mode If you are choosing study mode, you can see the questions one by one and you can tick your option. There itself you can check the correct answers and its explanation. By doing this for an extended time, you can thorough with your subject."

Study Materials
Rs. 4999 /Per Course

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