Banana flower(vallapoo)

Horticorp Trivandrum Unit

Banana flowers are also known as banana hearts. They are used as vegetables and added in soups, curries, and fried foods. Some of the prominent health benefits of banana flowers lie in the areas of the treatment of depression, infection, over bleeding during menstruation, and anemia. Banana flowers have ethanol base extracts that are good to treat mane pathogenic bacteria, and infections. The magnesium content of the banana flowers make it a must have food for people who suffer from anxieties and depression. Banana flowers are found to have the potential to increase progesterone hormones that play a big role in reducing excessive bleeding during menstruation. Banana flowers can also reduce menstrual pain. Banana flowers increase hemoglobin in blood. Hence, anemic patients are advised to add banana flowers in their diet regularly. Banana flowers are light on digestive system - they eliminate abdominal pain, and bloating caused by acidity. Banana flowers are rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron, copper, and importantly, protein and carbohydrates.

Rs. 20 /1 piece

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