Broard bean (avarai)

Horticorp Trivandrum Unit

Broad beans has many names. They are known as butter beans, fave beans, and English beans. They are a type of green legumes with slightly sweet flavor. Broad beans is an excellent source of fibre and protein - hence, they aid weight loss. The fibre is soluble in nature and hence aids in digestion and cures abdominal pain. Besides, the soluble fibre also plays an important role in lowering the level of cholesterol in the body. Broad beans are rich in folate - a compound that helps in fetal development. Pregnant women can add broad beans to their diet in order to ensure that their baby’s brain and spinal cord grow healthily. One serving of broad beans (about 170 grams) have 180 calories, 13 gram protein, 9 gram fibre. This quantity can take care of 40% of the daily value of folate; 36% of the daily value of manganese; 22% of the daily value of copper; 21% of the daily value of phosphorous, 14% of the daily value of iron. Broad beans helps our body produce dopamine and is good for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s. The manganese and copper of broad beans are good for bone health.

Rs. 15 /250gm

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