Banana raw (vallakkaai)

Horticorp Trivandrum Unit

Raw or green banana is the unripe banana. Its peels are naturally thick with fibrous texture. The flesh inside is hard, and would have infertile seeds. Raw bananas taste more or less like potatoes but most of them are semi-bitter in taste. Upto about 80% of the flesh of banana is made of starch. That gives them their unique flavor. Only as the raw bananas ripen into fruits the starch content gets converted into sugar. Fibrous flesh is great for curing constipation. It is also very good for diabetic patients because raw bananas is very low in fat. Apart from fibre, raw bananas are also noted for its potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese content. It has vitamin B6 in abundant. A 120 gram raw banana gives about 20% of our body’s need for vitamin B6. Raw banana is found to promote the growth of probiotic bacteria, which is very important for gut health.

Rs. 10 /1 piece

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